Hiking & Tree Plantation of BOD PT Otsuka Indonesia
PT Otsuka Indonesia (PTOI) which is a Foreign Investment Company engaged in the Pharmaceutical sector, has one of the codes of ethics that is a guideline for PTOI in carrying out its business activities, is namely Environmental Protection. As a manifestation of this code of ethics, PTOI pays great attention to the environment around PTOI factory operations, especially to the trees in the surrounding environment. Each tree has benefits including:
- Absorbs carbon dioxide and produce oxygen
- Contributes to the growth of humans and all living things
- Provides life to other creatures, such as microbes, caterpillars, wasps, grasshoppers, birds, and humans
- Improves the function of forests and the environment
- Restores damaged ecosystems
- Maintains environmental sustainability
- Helps reduce the risk of disasters such as floods and landslides
- Helps reduce the risk of global warming
- Helps improve air quality
- Helps create a greener and more comfortable environment
- Helps leave a better earth for future generations
The many benefits of the tree made PTOI choose tree planting activities as PTOI's commitment to protecting and preserving the surrounding environment. For this reason, PTOI chose to carry out tree planting at the peak of Budug Asu which is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuna, precisely in Kreweh, Gunungrejo, Singosari, Malang Regency, East Java on Sunday, 26 January 2025. The journey to reach the peak takes approximately two hours on foot. Not only the mountain views, the peak of Budug Asu is also surrounded by the beauty of forests and gardens, ranging from coffee plantations, tea gardens, and pine forests. The beauty of the peak with a height of 1,422 meters above sea level is a favorite photo spot for climbers.
The PTOI route to reach the peak of Budug Asu started from Wonosari Tea Plantation, where Mr. Tetsuya Yamamoto along with other PTOI directors accompanied by Indrialoka Nature Lovers and KTH Wonosantri team departed for Toyomarto village, Singosari sub-district, Malang district. From the Wonosari tea plantation basecamp, they began walking to wards the peak of Budug Asu. After walking for about 45 minutes, they arrived at the Budug Asu climbing rest area. Furthermore, Mr. Tetsuya Yamamoto and PTOI directors planted avocado trees in the area. The planting of trees by the PTOI Directors is a real evidence of PTOI's concern and support for presseving natural environment.
The PTOI group then continued with hiking activities to the peak of Budug Asu. After struggling hard, they finally arrived at the peak of Budug Asu for the first time with happy smiles adorning the faces of the director. Upon arriving at the peak of Budug Asu, they were greeted by the Indrialoka team with a welcome drink and food in the form of black coffee and fruit salad.
“Most of us were climbing the peak of Budug Asu of Mount Arjuna for first time and this trip was very me morable for all of us. The climb was quite difficult, but the fruit salad and coffee provided at the summit were really wonderful. Thank you very much”, said Mr. Tetsuya Yamamoto.