Extra feeding for MDR TB Patient in Jakarta and Malang
PT. Otsuka Indonesia in collaboration with NPO Indonesia IMTC (Initiative on MDR TB Care) as one of foundation in TB Control Program has organized the extra feeding for MDR TB Patients at two refferal Hospitals, Cempaka Putih Hospital in Jakarta and Syaiful Anwar Hospital in Malang. This activity is conducted as Coorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity from PT. Otsuka Indonesia and part of World Tuberculosis Day in March 2017. We provided extra feeding with Proten as High Protein Intake product from PTOI that beneficial for better healing during treatment period.
Both places were choosen as PROTEN receiver because of many on going MDR TB patients treatment every day. This PROTEN distribution involved patients support group for MDR TB, which consist of cured MDR TB Patient, PETA (Pejuang Tangguh) in Jakarta and PANTER (Pantang Menyerah) in Malang. They are voluntary workers in both MDR TB Centre to support MDR TB Patient, to finish their treatment periode within 18 – 24 months. This PROTEN is important to support for patient healing, because usually patients will loss their weight in early phase treatment due to infection. PROTEN with high Protein and Energy is ideal to increase Body Mass Index patient. All participants (Hospitals and Patient Supporter Group) hoping that this activity can be done regularly because it will have a big impact for patient.
PROTEN Team of Jakarta and Head Office were also participated in providing the free drink and explanation about PROTEN at MDR TB Outpatient ward at Islam Cempaka Putih Hospital.
PROTEN submission for MDR TB Patient at Syaiful Anwar Malang Hospital through Patient Support Group PANTER ( Pantang Menyerah )
Visit to MDR TB Outpatient Clinic at Syaiful Anwar Hospital, Malang.
Education about Nutrition during treatment period to patient support group member and MDR TB Patients.