Surabaya, 9 November 2022 – Tuberculosis or commonly known as TB is still one of the most dangerous infectious diseases to date. More than 10 million people in the world are infected with TB by 2021 and there are more than 900 thousand people are estimated to be infected with TB in Indonesia. Indonesia is in second place in the spread of TB in the world after India So, this is the concern of the Indonesian government to commit to achieving TB elimination by 2030.

Otsuka Group in Indonesia declared the prevention of Tuberculosis in the workplace at the 2022 TB High Level Meeting held at the Shangrila Hotel, Surabaya. Otsuka with its corporate program “Free TB at Workplaces” has started a program at the company since July 2022. This program aims to support the government in finding and eliminating TB. In this program, PT Uni-Charm Indonesia TBk and PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solution Indonesia have joined the program and were also present at the declaration of TB control in the workplace. This program includes screening, tracing, education and treatment to recover in a comprehensive way. Otsuka also provides doctors to accompany patients during treatment and nutritionists to help make meal plans. In addition, Supplementary Food is also given to patients undergoing treatment.

Many productive age people are infected with TB in Indonesia, Therefore, Otsuka Group collaborates with the Ministry of Health to declared of Tuberculosis in the workplace through the "Free TB at workplaces" program. This program involves 8 companies and is expected to contribute to assisting the government in finding and eliminating TB in Indonesia.

“Free TBC at workplaces” promoted by the Otsuka Group, which provides education related to TB for infected employees and also for the families of infected employees. TB patients and their families will be guided to follow the standard of treatment carried out by the Ministry of Health as well as the provision of supplementary food (PMT). In addition, patients can consult via telemedicine with doctors and nutritionists which is provided by Otsuka as well using “Sembuh TBC” application.

PT Otsuka Indonesia represent by Mr. Suhari Mukti as Vice President also sign petition to support TB free workplaces program.
Sudarmadi Widodo as the Human Capital Development and Corporate Affairs Director said that "TB patients are not detected in the work environment because there is still a negative stigma circulating in the community that makes TB patients dishonest and their treatment is not complete, so they need support from their families".

Due to length of the TB healing process which takes 6 months cause TB patients are reluctant to commit and complete their treatment. The TB cure application is an application that is easy to use for TB patients to help them recover from TB completely.

Health is very important thing. Therefore, Otsuka is committed to always giving the best. Let's work together to make Indonesia free from TB through the program "Free TB at workplaces" closed Sudarmadi Widodo.

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